Della Robbia, Luca

Della Robbia, Luca
   Florentine sculptor. Though generally associated with the early Renaissance style, he still manifested the influence of the late Gothic sculptor Nanni di Banco (ca. 1381-1421), who may have been his teacher. His most famous work is the series of marble reliefs of singing angels produced in the 1430s for the Cantaría (singers' pulpit) of the cathedral in Florence. Later, he turned to the production of less costly reliefs done in terra cotta, notable for their graceful design and their striking contrast of white and bright blue glazes. This technique and medium led easily to routine reproduction, and the terra cotta reliefs of his late years were virtually factory products, produced in great numbers for sale to private collectors and small-town churches. This business was continued by his nephew Andrea (1435-1525) and Andrea's sons through the first quarter of the 16th century.

Historical Dictionary of Renaissance. . 2004.

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