Fracastoro, Girolamo

Fracastoro, Girolamo
(ca. 1478-1553)
   Italian physician and anatomist. Born into a noble family of Verona, he studied at the University of Padua, including not only Aristotelian philosophy and medicine but also classical Latin language and literature. He also had a strong interest in astronomy and mathematics. He became lecturer in logic at Padua in 1501 and in 1534 retired to his family's country villa, spending his time practicing medicine and studying. He later became official physician to the Council of Trent. His reputation as a scientist rests partly on his lengthy Latin poem Syphilis sive morbus gallicus / Syphilis or the French Disease (1530), an early contribution to the literature on the new disease of syphilis; the title of his book became the name of the illness. His other major contribution is a study of contagious disease, De contagione et contagiosis morbis (1546), in which he tried to classify the ways in which diseases spread. His medical works were critical of the common practice of attributing disease to occult qualities.

Historical Dictionary of Renaissance. . 2004.

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