Gibbons, Orlando

Gibbons, Orlando
   English composer and keyboard artist. Born at Oxford into a family of musicians and reared in Cambridge, where he took a baccalaureate in music in 1606, he received a position in the choir of King's College, Cambridge, in 1596 and became organist in the Chapel Royal in 1605. In 1623 he became organist at Westminster Abbey, providing the music for the funeral of King James VI and composing music for the wedding of the new King Charles I. Gibbons composed a large number of vocal and instrumental secular pieces, but he is best known for his music composed for services of the Anglican Church.

Historical Dictionary of Renaissance. . 2004.

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  • Gibbons, Orlando — born 1583, Oxford, Oxfordshire, Eng. died June 5, 1625, Canterbury, Kent English composer and organist. Son of a musician, he became organist of the Chapel Royal с 1605 and remained there the rest of his life, serving also as organist at… …   Universalium

  • Gibbons, Orlando — (1583–1625)    Composer.    Gibbons served as organist of the Chapel Royal and Westminster Abbey in London. He was the first composer to write music only for the English Protestant rite and many of his anthems are still sung today, particularly… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Gibbons, Orlando — (1583, Oxford, Oxfordshire, Inglaterra–5 jun. 1625, Canterbury, Kent). Compositor y organista inglés. Hijo de un músico, fue organista de la capilla real desde 1605 hasta su muerte y desempeñó además el mismo cargo en la abadía de Westminster en… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Gibbons, Orlando — (1583, Oxford – 5 June 1625, Canterbury)    Composer, member of the Chapel Royal, probably from 1603. An organist by profession, he made significant and very popular contributions to the Anglican repertory: 40 anthems, a short service, a second… …   Historical dictionary of sacred music

  • GIBBONS, ORLANDO —    an eminent English musician, composer of many exquisite anthems, madrigals, &c., born at Cambridge; in 1604 he obtained the post of organist in the Chapel Royal, London, and two years later received the degree of Mus. Bac. of Cambridge, while… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Orlando Gibbons — (baptised 25 December 1583 – 5 June 1625) was an English composer, virginalist and organist of the late Tudor and early Jacobean periods. He was a leading composer in the England of his day …   Wikipedia

  • Orlando Gibbons — (* getauft 25. Dezember 1583 in Oxford; † 5. Juni 1625 in Canterbury) war ein englischer Komponist der Renaissance. Orlando Gibbons Orlando Gibbons entstammt einer Musikerfamilie, sein Vater William (um 1540–1595), seine Brüder Edward (1568–1650) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Orlando Gibbons — Orlando Gibbons. Orlando Gibbons (1583 1625), músico y organista renacentista. Biografía Nacido en la ciudad de Oxford, realizó su formación musical desde 1596 en el King s College de Cambridge donde se nutrió del mundo que le circundaba y es… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Orlando Gibbons — [Orlando Gibbons] (1583–1625) an English ↑composer and musician. He was the greatest player of keyboard instruments of his time, and wrote many pieces of music for the ↑Church of England which are still used today …   Useful english dictionary

  • Orlando — se refiere a: ● Orlando es el nombre de una ciudad de los Estados Unidos (Florida). ● Orlando es el equivalente italiano del francés Roland (en español, Roldán) que aparece como personaje central en una serie de romances en verso del siglo XV en… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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