Góngora y Argote, Luis de
- Góngora y Argote, Luis de
One of the major poets of the Golden Age of Spanish literature. His early education was with the Jesuits, and at Salamanca he secured broad classical education but failed to earn a degree because of his disorderly life-style. His father than secured him a benefice in the cathedral at Córdoba. Although his bishop accused him of drunkenness and neglect of his liturgical duties, he achieved a great reputation as a poet. His florid and complex Spanish style, characterized by Latinate grammatical constructions and the introduction of words taken from Latin and Greek, founded a tradition in Spanish literature known as Gongorism. In 1617 he was appointed a royal chaplain and moved to Madrid, but the position yielded an inadequate income, and he moved back to Córdoba. There he died in 1627 while at work on an edition of his poems.
Góngora produced poetry in a variety of genres. Most of it received favorable notice, though his attempts at writing drama were failures. His ambition was to reshape Spanish into a literary medium comparable to the classical languages, a goal reflected in the title of his works published shortly after his death, in which he is called "the Spanish Homer." Perhaps his most famous poem is
La fábula de Polifemo y Galatea, a pastoral based on Ovid's
Metamorphoses, parodying not only its classical source and the Italian poet
Petrarch but even Góngora's own style.
Historical Dictionary of Renaissance.
Charles G. Nauert.
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GONGORA Y ARGOTE, Luis de — (1561 1627) Luis de Goíngora y Argote was known as the poet of light and dark because of his contradictory, bizarre, and richly metaphorical style of poetry called culteranismo. This style was highly admired by a group of Spanish surrealist… … Renaissance and Reformation 1500-1620: A Biographical Dictionary
Góngora y Argote, Luis de — ▪ Spanish poet born July 11, 1561, Córdoba, Spain died May 23, 1627, Córdoba one of the most influential Spanish poets of his era. His Baroque, convoluted style, known as Gongorism (gongorismo), was so exaggerated by less gifted imitators that… … Universalium
Góngora y Argote — Góngora y Argote, Luis de … Enciclopedia Universal
Góngora (y Argote), Luis de — born July 11, 1561, Córdoba, Spain died May 23, 1627, Córdoba Spanish poet. Very influential in his era, he developed the difficult, complex poetic style that became known as gongorismo; it provoked scorn and enmity from many of his… … Universalium
Góngora y Argote, Luis de — ► (1561 1627) Poeta español del Barroco. Creador y máximo representante del culteranismo. En su obra se distinguen los poemas menores: más de 200 composiciones de arte menor, romances, canciones, etc. Destacan Angélica y Meodoro y Noble desengaño … Enciclopedia Universal
Góngora (y Argote), Luis de — (11 jul. 1561, Córdoba, España–23 may. 1627, Córdoba). Poeta español. Muy influyente en su tiempo, desarrolló el difícil y complejo estilo poético que llegó a ser conocido como gongorismo; esto le granjeó el desprecio y la enemistad de muchos de… … Enciclopedia Universal
Gongora y Argote — Góngora y Argote (izg. góngora i argòte), Luis de (1561 1627) DEFINICIJA španjolski pjesnik, utemeljitelj književnog pravca gongorizma (Samoće, Polifem i Galateja) … Hrvatski jezični portal
Gongŏra y Argōte — Gongŏra y Argōte, Luis de G., geb. 1561 in Cordova, war Anfangs Jurist, trat später in den geistlichen Stand u. wurde Caplan Philipps III.; er st. 1627 in Cordova. Seine Obras (unter denen sich bes. die höchst naiven Volkslieder auszeichnen)… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Góngora y Argóte — Góngora y Argóte, Luis de, berühmter span. Dichter, geb. 11. Juni 1561 in Cordoba, gest. daselbst 24. Mai 1627, widmete sich in Salamanca dem Studium der Rechte und den schönen Wissenschaften. Trotz literarischer Erfolge zwang ihn die Not, 1606… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Gongora y Argote — Gongōra y Argōte, Luis de, span. Dichter, geb. 11. Juli 1561 zu Córdoba, gest. 23. Mai 1627; dichtete anfangs Lieder und Romanzen im alten Nationalstil, später in gesucht dunklem Stil (estilo culto oder Gongorismus), überladen mit Bildern, den… … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon