Grapheus, Cornelius

Grapheus, Cornelius
(ca. 1482-1558)
   Flemish humanist, born at Aalst. Little is known about his education. He studied in Italy and seems to have had an M.A. degree, perhaps from an Italian university. In 1515 he settled in Antwerp, married, and by 1520 had become one of the secretaries to the city council. His open sympathy for Martin Luther led to his arrest in 1522, and he was compelled to make written and public recantations. After a period in prison, he returned to Antwerp in 1523, first working as a schoolteacher and then in the printing shop of his brother Johannes. In 1540 Grapheus regained his position as town secretary. He had a great contemporary reputation as a Latin poet and was a friend of Erasmus and many other Dutch humanists. A number of his Latin publications are historical in nature, describing events in Antwerp, visits by the emperor, and other matters of local interest.

Historical Dictionary of Renaissance. . 2004.

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