Janus Pannonius

Janus Pannonius
   Hungarian humanist. His vernacular name was Janus of Czezmicze. He was a nephew of János Vitéz, bishop of Oradea, an early Hungarian humanist who directed the education of his nephew and in 1447 sent him to Italy for further study. He remained in Italy for 11 years, starting in the school of Guarino Guarini. While in Italy, he began writing poetry and eventually gained recognition as a talented poet. In 1454 he began studying canon law at the University of Padua, but it is uncertain whether he completed a doctorate. When Matthias Corvinus became king of Hungary in 1458, Janus returned home and soon became an influential figure among the court humanists. He became canon of the cathedral chapter of Oradea and in 1460, bishop of Pécs (German name, Fünfkirchen). He was a member of the royal council, chancellor to the queen, and influential in the king's cultural policy. As ambassador to the curia in 1465 he sought financial aid against the Turks from Pope Paul II. In 1469-1470 he was governor of a province, but because of disagreement with the king over foreign policy he became involved in a conspiracy against the ruler and when it was discovered fled to Italy. He died of plague near Zagreb while on his way to exile. Despite their quarrel, King Matthias admired Janus' poetry and arranged for his works to be collected. These works were printed several times during the 16th century.

Historical Dictionary of Renaissance. . 2004.

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