Manutius, Aldus

Manutius, Aldus
(vernacular name, Aldo Manuzio, ca. 1452-1515)
   Italian humanist and teacher who became the greatest printer and publisher of the Italian Renaissance. Born at Rome, he taught at Ferrara and Carpi, and about 1490 moved to Venice. There he gave up teaching and promoted a plan to publish editions of Greek classical authors. In 1495 he entered a partnership with an established publisher, Andrea Torresani, and later married his partner's daughter. The Aldine Press published editions of both Latin and Greek authors in a small format and at a cost low enough that the editions were affordable by great numbers of humanists. The small italic type faces used for Latin books, modelled on the cursive script used in chancery schools, and the cursive Greek letters of the Greek editions exerted strong influence on the appearance of classical and hu-manistic texts throughout the 16th century.
   The press published first editions of many ancient Greek authors. It also published Italian vernacular works and texts by postclassical authors, including the Latin stylist and vernacular poet Pietro Bembo, the collected works of the humanist Angelo Poliziano, and the letters of the popular religious writer St. Catherine of Siena. The editorial work on Aldus' publications was done by a talented group of local and visiting humanists, including a number of exiled Greek scholars and such non-Italian luminaries as Erasmus, who matured as a Greek scholar while working in the Aldine printshop. Aldus' dream of organizing a formal academy of humanists devoted to writ-ing and even speaking Greek was never realized, but the press did at-tract a significant community of scholars and became a major center for the editing and interpretation of ancient texts. The publication of classical editions was not particularly lucrative, and there were peri-ods when the press was not very profitable.
   After Aldus' death in 1515, his father-in-law Torresani continued to publish under the Aldine imprint. While humanists often charged that Torresani cared only about money and not scholarship, he had provided much of the capital that made the firm possible, and even though he kept an eye on the balance sheet, he continued the general program of producing editions of classical authors and modern writ-ers. Although the publishing activity was in abeyance after the death of Torresani in 1528, from 1533 one of Aldus' sons, Paulus, revived the firm and continued as a publisher at both Venice and Rome until his death in 1574. Under Aldus' grandson (also named Aldus) the Al-dine imprint continued down to the end of the 16th century.
   See also Printing.

Historical Dictionary of Renaissance. . 2004.

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  • Manutius, Aldus — • Scholar and printer (1450 1515) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • MANUTIUS Aldus — I. MANUTIUS Aldus ex erudita familia Typographorum Venetorum, omnes nervos ad Barbariem e Latio pellendam intendit. Circa A. C. 1520. Scripsit Institutiones Grammaticae Graecae. Notas in Horatium, Homerum etc. Gesner. in Biblioth. Frater… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Manutius, Aldus, the Elder — Italian Aldo Manuzio il Vecchio born 1449, Bassiano, Papal States died Feb. 6, 1515, Venice Italian printer, the leading figure of his time in printing, publishing, and typography. In 1490 he settled in Venice and gathered around him a group of… …   Universalium

  • Manutius, Aldus, the Younger — ▪ Italian printer Italian  Aldo Manuzio il Giovane   born Feb. 13, 1547, Venice [Italy] died Oct. 28, 1597, Rome       last member of the Italian family of Manuzio to be active in the famous Aldine Press established by his grandfather Aldus… …   Universalium

  • Manutius,Aldus — Ma·nu·tius (mə no͞oʹshəs, shē əs, nyo͞oʹ ), Aldus. 1450 1515. Italian scholar and printer who established (c. 1498) the Aldine Press in Venice to publish Greek and Latin classics. * * * …   Universalium

  • Aldus Manutius —     Aldus Manutius     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Aldus Manutius     (Aldo Manuzio).     Scholar and printer; born in 1450, at Sermoneta, near Rome; died in 1515. He studied Latin at Rome and Greek at Ferrara. In 1482 he went to Mirandola, where… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Manutius — Manutius,   Aldus, der Ältere, eigentlich Aldo Manuzio, italienischer Humanist und Drucker, * Bassiano (bei Velletri) 1449, ✝ Venedig 6. 2. 1515; kam nach humanistischen Studien in Rom und Ferrara 1490 nach Venedig und gründete eine Druckerei, in …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Aldus Manutius — The Rylands copy of the Aldine Vergil of 1501 Aldus Pius Manutius (1449 – February 6, 1515),[1] the Latinised name of Aldo Manuzio sometimes called Aldus Manutius, the Elder to distinguish him from his grandson, Aldus Manutius, the Younger was an …   Wikipedia

  • Manutius, Paulus — ▪ Italian printer Italian  Paolo Manuzio   born June 12, 1512, Venice [Italy] died April 6, 1574, Rome       Renaissance printer, third son of the founder of the Aldine Press, Aldus Manutius the Elder (Manutius, Aldus, the Elder).       In 1533… …   Universalium

  • Aldus Manutius — /awl deuhs meuh nooh shee euhs, nyooh , al deuhs/. See Manutius, Aldus. * * * …   Universalium

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